Father Marian Rajchel from Polland believes same demons he cast out of the girl are now hunting him via his cell phone!
A priest from Poland believes demons have been sending him hateful text messages after he performed exorcism on an un-named teenage girl.
Father Marian Rajchel
now claims the messages are a sign that his effort to cast out the
demons from the girl's soul had obviously failed and they are using the
teen to attack him through cell phone messages.
The priest admitted to a local media, "The author of these texts is an evil spirit who has possessed her soul," but added something interesting when he claimed that the devil and his followers were not shy about using modern technology.
"Often the owners of mobile phones are not even aware that they are being used like this, however in this case it is clear."
One of the text messages Father Rajchel claimed to have received read: "She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die." Rajchel's response, however, was that he had prayed for her and sent back another text message, getting the message in return:
up, preacher. You cannot save yourself. Idiot. You pathetic old
preacher." He added: "Clearly this young girl has been possessed, and
needs further help.” According to UKDailyMirror
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