Friday, 1 August 2014

Benson Okonkwo Wears Hair Net To Bed Nollywood actor.

  Benson Okonkwo has taken to wearing hair nets to bed.

  Nollywood actor, Benson Okonkwo, will not seize to amaze us with his antics every other day. If he is not posing nude and posting the pictures on social media, he is glorifying pornography, urging Nigerian movie makers to shoot more of such movies as it will move the industry forward.

Some may call him attention seeker but Benson Okonkwo is who he is. Adorning long and unkempt dreadlocks, he surely needs to keep them in place when going to bed. And this he does by using an hair net, just like women with weave-ons and long attachments do when sleeping at night.

How would you describe Benson Okonkwo's penchant for wearing hair nets to bed

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